3 Tips to Remain Motivated Through Lockdown
Apr 1, 2020
Through this unprecedented time, businesses have been forced to seek alternative methods to work remotely. However, how do you keep your employees motivated to remain working when you barely are able to remain motivated yourself? Being surrounded by laughter or constant nags of your loved ones, or the surrounds of banging music from your tweens or possibly your neighbours, can take a toll on your motivation and drive. Here are some tips to make working remotely a little easier during this lockdown period: Working remotely requires communication There are multiple technologies that can be used today, including Microsoft Teams or Zoom to have those morning stand-up meetings or catch up calls. Invest in a good collaboration tool that allows your employees to communicate their current tasks that they are working on or to follow up with the progress on a project. Use your communication tools - email and WhatsApp could work, too. Remain in contact with your team, and encourage your team to stay in touch, too Keep a normal working and home routine One of the best ways to remain motivated is to create a balanced routine. Employers and employees should retain a normal routine at work and at home. Although this may seem difficult at first, creating a new balanced routine will help you reduce any stress and anxiety that you may be feeling during this lockdown. Use to waking up at 5am for that quick park run or training session at your gym? Recreate your routine that allows you to continue your pre-lockdown activities – now you are able to take that park run during lockdown (remember to keep to your 5km radius!) Find a new method of exercise or training routine within your home. Don’t forget to brush your teeth, shower or have breakfast with the kids like you would before this lockdown period. Start your day on a high before you step into your morning meetings. Most importantly, remember to have your lunch breaks. Step away from your PC or laptop! Encourage your employees to do the same. Create a routine to keep yourself and your employees motivated. Lockdown does not mean you’re locked in We’ve all felt it – the feeling of the walls are closing in. Being indoors for long periods of time can eat away at your motivation and drive. Encourage one another to go for walks in the morning, stepping outside or to set up office out in the garden. Get some fresh air. Get some exercise. Then, get back to the grindstone. And whatever you do, do not work in bed! We are all in this together. We are stronger together. As humans, we seek social interaction with others. As an employer and an employee, lockdown has not been easy. But we will be able to overcome this, with clear and concise communication, a balanced routine between family and work, a breath of fresh air throughout the day and refraining from staying in bed all day, you will be able to create a new norm for your working environment and your family. Stay motivated. Stay safe.Read more