Media law is the foundation upon which Section 16, Freedom of Expression, of the South African Constitution is built and the purpose of this course is to introduce the freedom of expression as the basis of media law. This introductory programme aims to equip you with knowledge and skills around the South African legal structure, censorship, South African court proceedings, copyright and social media communications.
Subject Matter Expert

Serena Naidoo is a professional legal academic. She has a Bachelor of Law degree from UNISA, and her academic history includes fundamental human rights and constitutional law, giving her sound knowledge of Section 16, Freedom of Expression, of the Bill of Rights. Serena has lectured various law modules, including media law, business law, corporate law, mercantile law and labour law. She has a passion for curriculum development and assessment design and has developed these skills through designing study guides, assignments, tests, examinations, online content and through online lecturing.
Course and Technical Requirements
To successfully access and complete this course, you will be required to have a registered email account, access to a computer/laptop/tablet and a stable internet connection. You will be required to be familiar with using a computer as you may need to be able to read and download documents in Adobe PDF Reader, view Microsoft PowerPoint presentations, and read and create documents in Microsoft Word.
Our online short learning programmes may require additional software applications. These additional software applications requirements will be communicated to you in this information pack and/or on the website course page. Damelin Online does not provide any additional software applications required for online short learning programmes.
Please note: Google, YouTube and Vimeo may be used in our online course delivery. If any of these services are blocked in your jurisdiction, you may have difficulty accessing our course content.
How We Engage with Students
Our online short learning programmes are broken into self-paced manageable modules designed to be interactive and engaging:
- The programme is available to be viewed on smart devices and includes mobile, tablets and personal computers.
- Relevant case studies, articles and recommended reading are part of supplementary resources available.
- Apply and evaluate what you have learned in each module with the self-grading quizzes and assignment submissions
- View a range of Introductory course videos by your Subject Matter Expert.
- Scheduled live webinars are included with the Online Academic Tutor.
- Network, collaborate and interact with your fellow participants and Online Academic Tutor via the discussion boards.
Upon successful completion of this online short learning programme, you will be awarded with a Damelin Certificate of Competence.